Junior Golf
​The IGN&GPS Team of accredited PGA Coaches and Community Instructors are positive, patient and fun - all hold current Working With Children Check (WWCC) status in NSW, which involves a national police criminal history record check and review of any reportable misconduct.
Coaches and Instructors inspire learners and use their expertise to unpack complex ideas into their simplest forms to build knowledge and measure competency at every level.
Four types of junior programs are available:
Weekly Junior MyGolf Clinics (boys, girls and all abilities)
Private Lessons and On-Course Tuition
MyGolf School Programs; and
Vacation Programs.
Though fun and inclusive game-based activities, young golfers participating in the weekly Junior MyGolf Clinics and vacation programs learn about golf etiquette (respectful behaviour), rules, technique, strategy and sportsmanship.
​As understanding and skill increases, learners transition into private lessons, supervised practice sessions and on course tuition taught before or after school. We focus on mastering 7 main shots, which all require slightly different approaches:
• Putting
• Pitching
• Chipping
• Bunker play
• Irons
• Woods/hybrids
• Driver
When a person understands how to play these various shots they enjoy playing golf and are happier with their game as they practice and increase playing.
Junior golfers also have the opportunity to play in a variety of junior events, attend golf camps and play social or competitive golf.
Still have a question? Contact us by email or phone.

Weekly Junior Clinic
3.45 pm to 4.45 pm
Term 1 2025
(8 weeks - Wed 19 Feb to 19 Apr)
Term 2 2025
(8 weeks - Wed 30 Apr to 25 Jun)
Term 3 2025
(8 weeks - Wed 30 Jul to 17 Sep)
Term 4 2025
(8 weeks - Wed 15 Oct to 3 Dec)
$15 / week or $100 / term (pay upfront - save $20)
NSW 'Active Kids' vouchers welcome!
Bookings are essential! Contact us to book.
Golf is a safe, long term sport that teaches life skills, such as sharing, turn-taking and other important strategies like problem solving. Golf also promotes concepts like playing within the rules, good sportsmanship, etiquette and physical literacy which is "the motivation, confidence, physical competence, understanding and knowledge to maintain physical activity at an individually appropriate level throughout life" (Whitehead, 2006).
This is the holistic learning that gives children and young people:
physical skills and fitness;
the attitudes and emotions that motivate them to be active;
the social skills to be active with others; and
the knowledge and understanding of how, why and when you move.
MyGolf Weekly Junior Clinics facilitate age and skill appropriate participation and development in a fun and relaxed environment. Each child will commence at a level that reflects their confidence and ability. This skills based assessment of where to commence the learning journey considers their goals, age, physical literacy and ability.
Bronze (Beginner) - Juniors new to golf
Children in lower primary school, approx. 7 - 9 years
No prior experience needed
Modified plastic equipment is supplied. Only two brightly colored, plastic golf clubs are used. The 'Launcher' allows for full shots, pitching and chipping to be played off a small rubber mat and tee called the 'Launch Pad". The children learn to hit fluffy tennis balls over small distances towards large velcro targets and flags, making golf easier and lots more fun. The 'Roller' is used to putt the ball towards triangular velcro targets to score points!
Fun drills help children develop their motor skills, balance, strength and coordination, as golf requires all of these
Children learn the basic elements of golf in a modified form, which resembles mini golf
Instruction is flexible and tailored to suit individual needs
Safety is a key focus with hula-hoop 'look-then-hit' and cone 'wait-your-turn' zones clearly defined
Children may begin to explore 2 to 5 holes of the golf course in small groups - 3 children to one adult playing an Ambrose golf format, teeing off 100 meters from the hole
Silver - Intermediate - Juniors beginning social golf
Primary school children, approx. 10 - 12 years
Little prior experience needed
Modified junior golf equipment is supplied. Generally a small 7 iron, sand wedge and putter are used for full shots, pitching and chipping off a small rubber mat or grass with a tee. The children learn to hit rubber golf balls over short and medium distances towards obstacles, targets and flags. A small putter is used to putt the ball towards holes on the practice green to score points!
Instruction is flexible and tailored to suit individual needs
Safety is a key focus with hula-hoop 'look-then-hit' and cone 'wait-your-turn' zones clearly defined
Children learn the fundamental elements of golf, including simplified rules and terminology, falling somewhere between miniature and regulation golf
Coaches and participants are able to track progress by observing measurable skill progression, strengths and weaknesses
- Children will explore 5 - 9 holes of the golf course in small groups - 3 children to one adult playing an Ambrose golf format, teeing off 150 meters from the hole
One team (the winners, most improved, the best listeners or the team with the best attitude, behaviour or manners) will give a joint acceptance speech to take home a prize or trophy for that week
Children demonstrate they are ready for on-course play and learning at Golf level by achieving all required golf skills and knowledge through the Junior Golf Pathway to On-Course Play Golf Safety, Rules and Scoring Quiz
Gold - Proficient - Juniors developing competative golf skills
Upper primary to high school children, approx. 13 to 17 years
Hold a Golf Australia handicap with the goal of achieving a semi-technical approach to skills development, practice, goal setting, the golf mindset and game development for amateur golf
Participants usually have their own full or half set of golf clubs and use real (soft feel) golf balls. The set may be new or pre-loved and will include a 5, 7 and 9 iron, a pitching and sand wedge, a driver and possibly a 7 hybrid
Rules for safe play underpin quiz questions and answers Safety zones are clearly defined for everyone
Children refine the fundamental elements of golf and will know and understand many of the rules and terminology for regulation golf
Children will regularly play 9 - 18 holes of golf recreationally or competitively in small groups with other children or adults teeing off from the women's or men's tees
Each individual will be confident to prepare and present a short speech to accept a prize or trophy
Children graduate to platinum level by consistently achieving skills assessment outcomes that lead to eligibility for selection in sub-elite junior golf development programs
View the: ​

Sub-elite Junior Golf Development
Platinum - Accomplished - Juniors honing their armature representative golf skills
Fees are determined on an individual basis. Please Contact Us to discuss program needs.
High school children, approx. 11 to 17 years who are a registered junior member of a NSW Golf Club
Hold a Golf Australia (GA) handicap
Boys with a GA handicap between 30 to 12 or lower
Girls with a GA handicap between 35 to 15 or lower
Own or can purchase a full set of golf clubs (new or pre-loved)
Have a goal of achieving a more focused technical approach to skills development and goal setting
Willing to undertake a structured golf development program that may include: an annual Golf Health Check; golf clinics; supervised practice sessions; or a package of private lessons with on-course tuition (to suit individual needs and aspirations)
Be prepared to work with a specialist Golf Mind Coach to help you build an unbreakable mental game on and off the golf course. Consistent and brilliant performances are mastered in the mind first - get the insights and strategies used by some of the world's best players
Be inspired to compete in local, state or national junior golf competitions and open days and join the Jack Newton Junior Golf Foundation development pathway - MyGolf Junior League


NSW 'Active Kids' provider: SFB-10c007-AKCA approved 04/05/2024. Click on the Active Kids logo to claim your $50 vouchers
Mobile hitting mats
Fun games with targets, flags and modified equipment
Practice systems
New and pre-loved junior golf equipment
Club fitting for junior swings
Private golf lessons and on course tuition
Weekly Junior MyGolf Clinic and Competition
Vacation golf program
Jack Newton Junior Golf Foundation development pathway - MyGolf Junior League
Vacation Program
9 am to 12 pm​
NSW School Holidays 2024
​​​Autumn (April) 2025 - 3 Days
Tue 22 - putting and chipping;
Wed 23 - pitching and full swing;
Thurs 24 - woods and driving with on course play.
A wet whether plan is in place
$45 / day or $115 upfront (Save $20)
NSW 'Active Kids' vouchers welcome!
​Ages: This program is best suited to:
Children - Primary School, 7 years and older
Young people - High School, up to 15 years
All welcome - golf is a sport for everyone, regardless of age, gender, race, class, language, beliefs or ability.
The program celebrates diversity and activities are easily modified to support children and young people with various sensory, intellectual or physical needs.
The PGA All Abilities Coach Accreditation, golf's unique handicapping system, adaptive equipment, gripping solutions and a modified set of rules help accessibility, so individuals participate equitably.
What to wear:
golf or sport leisure attire (shirt | shorts | pants | skorts)
runners or golf shoes
jacket or sun sense sleeves
What to bring:
Water bottle with water
Healthy snacks
sun screen
mosquito repellent wristband, patch, clip or repellent
your smile
golf clubs are not essential (bring them if you have your own set)
Tell us about any:
special requirements or allergies
participation or equipment modifications
behavioral, cognitive or other support strategies
collection or protection requirements
Please view our Child Safe Policy
Bookings are essential! Contact us to book.
Play Junior Golf
Registration: 7.30 am for 8.00 am Tee Off
​Starts Sunday 16 March 2025
Junior Golf will NOT be played on the following dates:
$5 / week
​ 'Active Kids' vouchers welcome!
​This competition focuses on participation for kids of all abilities with fundamental skill leves gained through golf clinics, school or vacation programs or playing golf with parents/grandparents.
Three Divisions
4 Holes - 100 m | 6 Holes - 150 m | 9 Holes
The number of holes completed will vary according to the speed of play,
course availability and weather conditions.
A Stroke and Net format will be followed.
Each child is allocated a handicap
An adult must accompany each child 13 years or under
Players can't score their own card - A playing partner or adult must score.
Children will tee off from markers that create the most suitable fairway length for their ability, scores and handicap.
Part of the learning process is playing within modified golf rules, good sportsmanship, maintaining the speed of play and respecting ourselves and others.​
Prizes vary:
NETT Winner and Runner-up
Nearest the pin (closest shot on a par 3 hole); and
Least putts (or best) putts
Junior Golf achievement awards are proudly sponsored by McDonalds Narrabri; and Indoor Golf Narrabri.
What to wear:
golf or sport leisure clothes (shirt | shorts | pants | skorts)
hat, and sun sense sleeves
runners or golf shoes
What to bring:
water bottle
sun screen and mosquito repellent wristband, patch, or roll-on
your smile
your golf equipment (if you have your own set)
Tell us about any:
participation or equipment modifications
behavioral, cognitive or other support strategies
collection or protection requirements
Please view our Child Safe Policy​

A Parent's Critical Role
It's important to promote sportsmanship, honesty, and ethical behavior. These values are vital in sports and generally in life.
We all have a responsibility to look out for these things in children and young people.
After practice or a game, parents and carers should congratulate children, no matter what the outcome or score.
As a guide, ask these three questions, which help to listen and reinforce the values of joy, wellness and ongoing improvement.
Did you have fun?
What did you learn?
Did you try your best?
I love you, or well done (followed by a hug)!
David MacKenzie, founder of Golf State of Mind says, "junior golfers can struggle with:
Losing confidence and self-esteem
Being too focused on score and the end result
Being too nervous and having “performance anxiety”
Not being able to rebound from poor shots
Being too focused on what went wrong
Trying to please parents and coaches
Comparing themselves to their peers and worrying about what they think
Parents and coaches have a big influence over the development of a junior golfer’s mental game and how well they cope with and overcome these struggles, which can prevent them from playing their best game.
The words that a junior (or adult for that matter) hears before and after their rounds has a huge impact on their state of mind, their self-belief and their performance.
Fortunately, juniors are very “coachable” and can learn new mental skills and change thinking patterns quickly. To learn the strategies to help a child improve their mental game, check out 5 ways to be a better parent to a junior golfer.